Bodily Fluid Cleanup Procedures Guide: Do It Rightly

Minor to bigger, different types of accidents often occur at homes, offices, or any place, and these accidents involve various quantities of bodily fluids, which are not only awful to see but also pose potential health problems. A proper cleanup is required to remove bodily fluids instead of just removing them with water or a piece of cloth. Don't forget that bodily fluid spills need a proper treatment, like a biohazard cleanup. Those who know the severity of the condition and its hazardous effects find the solution by hiring a professional body fluid clean up company. Bodily fluids are different fluids coming from a human or animal's body, like saliva, mucus, vomit, urine, feces, and blood.

They are hubs of bloodborne pathogens. If the bodily fluids are of some patient, it means they contain transmittable diseases like MRSA, HIV, various hepatitis strains, and more. However, in many cases, the infected person has no idea that they are the carrier of a disease and is the reason for the spread of deadly diseases; so, protecting yourself and your loved ones is essential, and for that, cleaning of bodily fluids and proper precautions is undeniable.

Sometimes, people believe that the spillage is small enough, like less than a plate, that they don't need a bodily fluid cleanup company. Just remember that whatever your situation is, a small amount of bodily fluid also contains harmful pathogens that pose health risks in the surrounding area. So, all this discussion exposes the importance of knowing the proper bodily fluid cleanup procedures and the equipment required for it to avoid potential infection and reinfection. So, keep reading our expert guide to know the right method of bodily fluid cleanup.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) For Bodily Fluid Cleanup Procedure

Although the recommended method is to hire a professional team for bodily fluid cleanup, if the spill is small and you have the confidence to clean it yourself, you have to make sure that you are properly equipped with the right protective gear. So, before you start the process of cleaning and disinfecting bodily fluids, you must check that the following safety equipment for cleaning bodily fluids should be at your arm's length.

●     Disposable, waterproof gloves

●     Full-sleeve shirt

●     Rubber boots

●     Protective eyewear or Safety goggles

●     Waterproof coveralls or suit

●     Mop or disposable cloth towels

●     Disinfect with bleach, broad spectrum kill claim, or any other appropriate disinfectant

●     Plastic-lined garbage bins or Biohazard bags with approved labels and manifest

If you are going to clean dried bodily fluids with no risk of splashing, you can do the cleaning and disinfecting by wearing only disposable gloves and safety goggles. However, liquid bodily fluids have the potential for splashing, like raw sewage leak, vomiting, or blood spilling more than a plate (smaller one), so you must have all the equipment mentioned above.

Bodily Fluid Cleanup Procedure

●     The first thing is to get yourself ready to clean and disinfect the affected area by wearing appropriate personal protective equipment. Disposable gloves with a full-sleeve shirt and rubber boots are best for dried fluid with no splashing risk. In case of splashing risk, you have to wear eyewear, boots, and waterproof coveralls or suits for proper protection. Don't think of using simple eyeglasses as they are not the right protective eyewear.

●     If it's an accident or a crime scene with broken glass or sharp objects, you should carefully dispose of them. The right method is to carefully pick them and put them in an approved sharps container, as those broken glass or sharps also contain bodily fluids. If they aren't available, then puncture-proof containers are also usable.

●     Just remember a significant portion, ranging from 62% to 88%, of sharps injuries sustained by healthcare workers are preventable, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This reduction can be achieved by implementing the use of safer medical devices with built-in safety features.

●     Use a paper towel to clean the fluid spills before disinfecting the area. Don't use disinfectant before cleaning, as it has no value if the surface already contains fluid. If you have a worn-out cloth towel, then you can also use it. Whatever bodily fluids you clean, you have to discard the paper towel in a plastic-lined garbage bin or biohazard bags. Remember, you must be careful during cleaning to avoid splashing or spraying bodily fluids.

●     Take soap and water and wash the affected area, but to thoroughly remove viruses, disinfecting the area is essential with a 1:10 bleach solution means 1 cup of bleach: 9 cups of water (don't mix it up with any other cleaning agent) for at least 10 minutes. You can also use another appropriate disinfectant, which is more effective than bleach against non-enveloped viruses like Feline Calicivirus, Rotavirus, Norovirus, and Poliovirus. Leave the disinfectant on the contaminated surface as per the manufacturer's guidelines for effective results.

●     If you have picked the first option, which means bleach, you must ventilate the affected area.

●     After disinfecting, soak a paper towel in tap water, wipe the spot, and then let it dry.

●     You must also clean and disinfect any equipment used in the cleanup process. Otherwise, all other disposable things, like your personal protective equipment, paper towels, etc, must be discarded in a plastic-lined garbage bin. Moreover, place this garbage bin inside another trash bag and tie it closely. Then, dispose of this bag in the garbage dumpster.

●     Proper hand hygiene is essential as they are mostly used in cleaning and disinfecting. So, after removing gloves, use soap and water to wash them. You can also use an alcohol-based hand rub with a minimum concentration of 60% for a duration of 15 seconds. However, for visible dirt on hands, choose the former option over the latter.

●     If you get some injury due to any broken glass or sharps from the affected area, like a skin puncture with a sharp object, it needs medical attention. Don't forget this point if the sharp object is blood-contaminated as it causes the transmission of diseases causing viruses.

Note: Vacuum cleaning isn't the right method to clean bodily fluids as it may cause airborne contaminants. If you have used a wet mop, then you should dispose of its head. Things that are reusable should be cleaned off and disinfected before being used next time.

Does Body Fluid Clean Up Procedure Require a Professional Approach? Whom Should You Call For It?

Bodily fluids are dangerous and hazardous, whether in small amounts or large. Despite all the equipment or preventive measures, hiring a professional bodily fluids cleanup company is recommended. From suicide to homicide, people have to face all types of bodily fluids, which are not only dangerous for other surrounding humans but also for the environment and even animals. So, a properly trained suicide cleanup or crime scene cleanup company is required.

When it comes to professional cleaners, 911 Bio & Trauma Cleaners is at your service to make your home a liveable place again by deeply cleaning it and keeping you away from lethal viruses. We know that seeing such events puts a lot of emotional stress on you, and that's why we handle things with care.

911 Bio & Trauma Cleaners offers the town's most efficient blood cleanup service. Its 24/7 availability and team of highly trained professionals and certified technicians make it suitable for all such types of services. Our industry-leading safety gear and techniques help us restore the building and disinfect your vehicles.

It's not only biohazardous materials like bodily fluids; we use advanced methods to eliminate potential disease threats and foul odors and restore your home to its normal condition.


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