Why is Crime Scene Cleanup Important?

Death is messy and shocking, but homicide comes with more complexities. It's a mix of emotions, physical and mental damage, and challenging cleanup of blood and other stuff.

Everyone, once in their life, has seen a crime scene on a TV show or the news. From the arrival of paramedics to the removal of the dead body, the post-death activities are efficiently shown in Law & Order and CSI. But what happens after that is something that hardly anyone sees on screen.

After a crime is committed, the police officer arrives with crime-scene investigators and paramedics at the violent crime scene. After checking the victim and recording the scene, they question the family members, collect evidence, and go away after removing the body. What is left is the blood on the walls and floor, which the family members have to clean up, but is it that much easier?

It is the family's responsibility to clean the crime scene, not the professional investigators', irrespective of how much shock and grief they are in. It's sad, and that's why the whole industry named crime scene cleanup came into existence. Let's see what this industry is and how it helps you in minimizing your grief.

What is a Crime Scene Cleanup Service, and Why Does it Emerge?

Initially, families had to clean all blood and stuff by themselves after the initial investigation. The late '90s was the birth period of the crime scene cleanup industry, and some companies emerged in the early 2000s. They efficiently handled the cleaning crime scene job, which is an unimaginable task for murder family members, and let them focus on their emotional healing.

Although the industry is known as crime scene cleanup, it's also known as CTS decon, which means crime and trauma scene decontamination. According to Whitmarsh, the reason behind CTS is that the cleaners handled events in addition to crime. Whether it's a crime, suicide, or natural death, mopping up the area is a necessary but simultaneously potentially horrific task.

As the crime-affected areas contain potential pathogens and biological contaminants, it is equally dangerous for first responders and second ones, whether family or cleanup service providers. Mopping the crime scene requires special knowledge, proper training, safety tools, and measures, which are difficult for murdered family members but easy for service companies. They're professional in suicide, crime scene, and natural death cleanup without leaving any hazardous materials in the area.

Safety is Necessary For Homicide Crime Scene Cleanup

After homicide, the emotional toll is profound. Grief encloses a crucial reality, which ensures the safety of those entering the crime scene. Homicide cleanup has nothing to do with law enforcement; instead, it asks for the expertise of trained biohazard professionals who have a safety-oriented approach.

In such situations, the primary concern lies in biohazardous materials, which require a biohazard removal service. Bloodborne pathogens, including viruses like HIV and Hepatitis B, remain on crime scene surfaces. In case of improper handling and treatment, the risk of infection increases significantly in responders and occupants alike. Moreover, bodily fluids spread harmful bacteria and toxins, and clearing up requires cleaning protocols with proper personal protective equipment (PPE). Organizations like the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) outline these protocols and dictate the use of specialized hazmat suits, respirators, and meticulous decontamination procedures (OSHA 31 CFR 1910.1030). These safety measures ensure the protection of everyone involved in each step, from scene assessment to every type of waste disposal, from blood to hoarding. Thus, in this way, biohazard professionals not only protect human health but also preserve the integrity of the crime scene.

Top 10 US States Crime Scene Homicide Death Rates, 2021

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released the following data. It's 10 US states with the highest homicide mortality rates of the year 2021.

States Death Rate per 100,000 people Total Homicide
Mississippi 23.7 656
Louisiana 21.3 943
Alabama 15.9 748
New Mexico 15.3 306
South Carolina 13.4 656
Missouri 12.4 716
Illinois 12.3 1487
Tennessee 12.2 810
Maryland 12.2 709
Arkansas 11.7 335

Why 911 Bio & Trauma Cleaners Should Be Your Partner in Crime Scene Cleanup and Restoration

When the unthinkable happens, 911 Bio & Trauma Cleaners stands beside you as your trusted partner for safe crime scene cleanup and biohazard remediation. Homicide comes with emotional and logistical complexities, and in this situation, we're here to help you with cleaning tasks with our experienced and professional team so that you can focus on healing.

Our professionals are trained in law enforcement, biohazard handling, and fire safety. Thus, they can efficiently handle situations like

Crime Scene Cleanup

We clean and disinfect all contaminated areas and remove biohazards like blood, tissue, and bodily fluids. During our cleanup process, we prioritize your safety and peace of mind.

Decomposition Cleanup

Decomposition cleanup after unattended deaths is a sensitive task, and we safely remove and dispose of all biohazardous remains and sanitize your area.

Suicide Cleanup

Suicidal cases are tough to handle, and we respectfully let the family members fight their trauma. With our suicide cleanup service, we sanitize the property entirely with no harmful material left behind.

COVID Decontamination

COVID-19 is a harmful and contagious virus and needs proper COVID decontamination. We not only protect your health and safety by thoroughly sanitizing and disinfecting your space but also clean up the area after death occurs due to it.

Odor removal

Many situations involve foul odors, which are difficult for normal people to eliminate properly. Our odor removal service eliminates all lingering odors, restoring your property to a fresh and habitable state.

Restoration & Distressed Property Cleanup

Hoarding also sometimes involves deaths, animal waste messes, and other challenging situations, and we at 911 Bio & Trauma Cleaners offer restoration, hoarding cleaning, and distressed property cleanup. We restore your property to a safe and habitable state.

Vehicle Cleanup

Biohazards and trauma scenes often occur in vehicles. With our vehicle cleanup service, we clean your vehicles and restore them to a safe and functional state.

Why Choose 911 Bio & Trauma Cleaners?

●     We have a 24/7 emergency response service.

●     We understand the sensitivity of crime and murder situations and treat everyone with respect and understanding.

●     Our team comprises former law enforcement, firefighters, and biohazard technicians who expertly handle any situation.

●     We employ the latest equipment and techniques in our cleaning process.

●     We operate with the highest standards of professionalism and are fully licensed.

Cleaning a crime scene or biohazard yourself is a risky task with too much emotional toll. Don't be stressed; let our experienced professionals handle the clean


How To Help A Hoarder - Effective Hoarding Cleanup Solutions


Effects of Homicide on Families: How To Cope Grief After Homicide